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Week 9 | Rendered Backgrounds

Before we get into the rendered backgrounds, I‘m here to update my animatic which I’ve added sound design to.

Since the backgrounds were already roughly in the right arrangements, I decided to just use them as the base sketches for my rendered backgrounds.

To get an idea of what kind of colours I wanted my background to have, I applied some colours to the sketch I used in the ending wide-shot in my animatic.

I used those colours as the foundation for my rendered backgrounds. I had actually been working on my rendered backgrounds since project week and I've finally completed them all.

Rendered Background 1

Wide-shot of the whole background; used for the last scene.

Rendered Background 2

Close-up of Rendered Background 1; meant for the sideways panning in scene 1.

Rendered Background 3

Meant for the scene where the fairy is screaming at the spider. Darker and in a warped perspective, emphasising the danger.

Rendered Background 4

A simple background with no details; meant to focus on the product transforming. The spiderweb is also thinner and translucent so as to see the fairy and product better behind the web. The colours are pinker than the other scenes to make it seem more magical.

Rendered Background 5

Meant for the second last scene when the fairy escapes the web, literally flying from darkness into the light.

Colour Script

In a bit of an unconventional step, I only did the colour script after I've finished the rendered backgrounds. This is so I could focus on the lighting more than the actual colours of the background.

Pretty happy with how all these turned out! Thanks for reading! <3

18 March 2022

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