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Week 8 | Final Product

This week's post will be quite straightforward since I am mostly just cleaning up my older ideas and finalising designs.

Final Product

I had drawn many variations of my product previously and already had a rough visual cue of what to go for in the final. One of my lecturer's suggested to add some leaves to my design. Since there were so many flowers, the leaves could help break the repetition. I also decided to make the main flower white while the rest remain red, to show where they all emerged from.






Hope you all remember my sketch of this from Week 5. I was very much inspired by antique jewellery boxes as well as music boxes with their ornate decoration on the cases. I was also, of course, inspired by art nouveau. I wanted my product to rest on a cushion in the case, just like a real brooch. I think this makes it look really expensive and special, even if the pre-transformation product is plain.

Now my product is ready to be sold!

15 March 2022

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