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Week 11 | Final Poster

I know there’s usually a step by step method for this but I got a little too excited after finalising the thumbnail, and jumped straight into rendering, without any colour blocking.

Since the A1 file size was so big, in order to not have Photoshop lag too much as I painted, I split the elements into different files which I cropped to a smaller size that fit just right. This way I had different files for the fairy, the flowers, and the frame that weren’t as big a size.

As I was rendering the the fairy however, there was a little fiasco that occured at 4:19am on 23 March 2022, documented on my instagram stories:

As you can see, the file on which I had already rendered a good portion of the fairy, got erased with no way of getting it back. I had no choice but to render her again. Perhaps it was divine intervention because the new version actually did look much better, albeit rougher. It only cost me the price of not sleeping till 5:30am on a school day 🥲

With that whole debacle over, I continued rendering and finished the entire scene rather quickly (took roughly half a day). However as I mentioned, I did not test the colours before rendering, thus I instead explored it using blending modes and curves after rendering.

This was the first crossroad I reached. I had to choose whether I wanted a desaturated backdrop, reminiscent of a historical painting, or a green one that resembled the colours from my tvc backgrounds. I ended up choosing the green one as it would link the poster back to my tvc story. This was the main focus of my poster and I thought that with that part done and dusted, the hardest part was over, but boy, was I wrong.

I added in the elements and borders that surrounded the fairy in the poster, but somehow, I could not seem to figure out which colour scheme fit the poster the best.

Perhaps I wouldn’t be facing this problem if I had actually blocked out my colours and tried out different colour schemes at the start but oh well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions.

I instead turned to the most reliable source of judgement - Instagram - and created a poll on my stories. A. & C. ended up leading the poll, so with that, I made a few more edits and narrowed it down to the two options.

The main difference is that one is dark and the other is light. I found that the dark one made the fairy and the product pop out more but the light one complemented the product and had a nice harmony.

I once again created a poll in my instagram stories but the two of them tied (edit: Light ver. is actually leading now) so I asked my lecturers for their opinions as well. The general consensus was that both were good but the dark had better contrast. Fanny actually suggested that while I use the dark one as my poster, I could use the light colour scheme to design a packaging box for my product.

I’m actually still conflicted so I would love to hear your opinions~ Please comment which version you prefer for my final poster!

Edit: So right after writing this, a friend actually suggested me to try blending the two versions together to make one that is right in the middle of the two shades so here is option 3:

Do you think this is better than the other two? Please I really need your help on this ;-;

Edit again: After hosting a final poll on my stories, a majority voted for option 3 so I believe that is my final!

That’s all for my poster but I will have to start animating asap now. There’s less than a month left before submission and I have yet to start so you can imagine my stress..

See you next week!

26 March 2022

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