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Week 12 | Blocking

Oh dear. There's less than a month let to submission so rushing is now a necessity.

I spent this week blocking my character animation. Since she only wore a body suit, I had to make sure her anatomy is correct while animating. I found it easiest to do so with a "stick-man" construction so that is how most my of blocking looks like.

Due to a lack of time, I focused mostly on the character's body. I did not have the luxury to add on her wings, hair, and expressions to most of the scenes. I have also yet to animate the actual product itself. Nonetheless, the gist of everything is there.

I have received feedback, from Fanny, for the animation of some scenes and there are changes to be made. However, I plan to edit them as I line/colour to save time. I plan to finish colouring most of the scenes by this week so chop chop!

I also realise that my character is quite small in most of her scenes as a lot of them are full-body shots. This means I will not be able to add in that much detail. I'm thinking about going with an animation style like this gif by Simone Föhl. It is simple and lineless without much detail, but the shapes are so clear and the animation so flowy. I think this style will suit my character and story very well.

I believe that's all for this week! Blocking the scenes took up most of the time. Hopefully I'll be able to come back with my flat colours laid down next week. See you!

4 April 2022

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